Saturday 29 December 2012

Panto Time!!!

Just got home from the annual panto at the Carnegie Theatre :) It was fantastic. Before that Charlotte and me did a little bit of shopping. Yay for post Christmas sales!!!

So Charlotte got the Indiana Jones DVD box set (something she has always wanted for some reason), and I actually splurged out on a bottle of expensive perfume. I use the term expensive rather loosely; it was £16, although that was half price - `Lovely` (which is what I am - obviously ha) by Sarah Jessica Parker. It is actually a lovely scent too !!!

And now I am going to order a take away, relax and watch some TV. Tomorrow will be spent working on some fang-tastic new spooky designs. Yay!!!

Thursday 27 December 2012

Back to Normal (well as normal as can be)

Highlight of the day today - sleeping in until 1pm. It was wonderful.
However the thought of getting up at 7am is not so wonderful. Yes, I have work in the morning. Regular work away from the Crypt. My alter-ego works in a beautiful old haunted theatre.
Maybe not so normal after all.......

But before then, I shall be spending some quality time in the Crypt, with my beloved cat and bat, working on some new pieces....

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Yay for Christmas.....

Had an amazingly lovely day with the family. And finally got my hands on my new Nexus 7 tablet - which I love!!! Need to buy a case. And such before I can actually take it outside the Crypt of course, as I will obviously break it if I don't. Clumsy me!
My mother also loved her stuff; all of it related to the new object of her desire, Mr. van Persie.

The deliberation to email someone I lost from my life almost two years ago is very much on my mind; although I VERY much want this person in my life, I do not want to drag up old bad feelings as I am very much a different person now! Thankfully!!
And if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have taken the path to changing and letting go of the things holding me back. Ohhhh dilemma!!!

However back to life in the Crypt; let's look forward to lots of new designs and opportunities in 2013.........